Keith Elford MA(Cantab) FRSA

Keith Elford has been helping leaders of organisations across the sectors make the changes required for sustainable success since 1998.  His route into consulting was unusual – it started when, as the Bishop’s Chaplain, he co-led a major change project in Guildford Diocese.  He is now particularly adept at helping clients manage the human dimension of change: articulating purpose and values, engaging people, defining and shifting mind-set and behaviours.  He helps clients make sense of new challenges both rationally and emotionally and consequently operate in different ways to get different outcomes. His practice is rooted in an understanding of organisation as a system, combining people and processes, and set in a changing environment.

Keith remains an Anglican priest and has a passion for finding ways of recognising and realising the ‘connectedness’ of life.  He likes to cross or break down the barriers so characteristic of society today, those that separate the ‘private’ worlds of, for example, business, the arts and community. ‘Creating the Future for the Church’, his book applying principles of organisational effectiveness to the Church of England, was published in September 2013. Keith is also a part-time doctoral student at Roehampton University in organisation and theology.