Diagnosis, Prognosis & Therapy
Philosophy and principles, not just tools


We are excited by ‘wicked problems’ and intractable challenges.


Consultancy must be about philosophy and principle not simply practice.


Researching organisational effectiveness underpins all our work

Cybernetics and Intelligent Organisation

More or Less Useful is a series of seven discussions between Chris Heald and John Beckford exploring his interpretation of the supradiscipline of organisational cybernetics and its role in addressing contemporary challenges.

Research into the principles of effective, intelligent organisation underpins all work at Beckford Consulting. Our rigorous, research-based approach to all projects ensures the development of transformational thinking to address your challenges…


When we talk about an organisation as ‘intelligent’ we are describing its ability to synthesise people, processes and information into a capability to co-adapt with the rapidly changing organisational environment.

Thoughts & musings

Blogs are driven by observations of the world and interactions with other people, experiences that cause us to pause and think, to be amused or annoyed! Blogs are generally incomplete thoughts, not fully explored but intended to stimulate the reader to reflection

Solving Productivity: Bureaucracy and Incompleteness

  A Tentative Beginning This is intended as the first in a series of blogs which will consider aspects of the idea of what it means to be ‘productive’. Productivity is conventionally thought of as the output achieved for a given amount of input. For me that needs to be modified by recognising that the output must be useful; I

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